Working at UKKO

My experience as a software engineer at UKKO

UKKO is a software development company that focuses on building tools tailored to clients. They offer a wide array of Software as a Service products and they're doing a really good job at supporting different type of industries. I worked at UKKO as a software engineer for 8 months.


Part-time job


I contributed on projects with the following stack:

    HTML/CSS Bootstrap TailwindCSS Stimulus.js Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL

Web Stack and Explanation

At first I was a little bit skeptical about Ruby on Rails, I thought that because it's an old technology it was not relevant anymore. But I was surprised about how easy and fast it is to build things with it. I think Rails is still relevant because it has a great community and even though it's old, it has been able to keep up with new trends: it's like a grandpa that knows how to use TikTok! Later, I understood that Rails was great for UKKO because they needed to give value to their clients as fast as possible.

Problems and Thought Process

When I joined UKKO, I didn't know much about Ruby on Rails and I had to learn a lot of things on the go. I was able to ask questions whenever I needed and they were always willing to help me. Whenever I was stuck on something, I'd set a timer to do my research and try to solve it by myself first. If I wasn't able to solve it before the timer ended, I'd ask for help. I think this is a great way to learn because it forces you to think about the problem and try to solve it by yourself. If you can't solve it, then you can ask for help and learn from the solution without wasting too much time.

Lessons Learned

Planning and documentation are key to success. Before starting to code a new feature I always made sure to have a clear understanding of what I was going to build. I'd achieve that by dividing the feature into smaller tasks and documenting each one of them. Because of this, I was able to give much more accurate time estimates.

Let's build something together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect.